why a jewish camp?
"Why should I send my child to a Jewish day camp? I'm not religious."
Breaking the common myths. By Dr. Yvette Alt Miller on Aish.com
There’s snow on the ground still, but summer is coming, and I just signed up my kids for Jewish Summer Camp. Of all the things we do as a family each year, this is one of the most meaningful: it bolsters our kids’ Jewish identities, strengthens our family’s bonds, and helps all of us to enjoy our Jewish life more.
Not everyone feels the way we do about Jewish camp. So before the camp deadlines are upon us, I thought I’d comment on a few myths I’ve heard about the Jewish Summer camp experience, and share the reality we’ve experienced.
“I want my kids to enjoy summer, not have to learn about religion!”
A lot of children spend long hours each year in Sunday or Hebrew school, or with a bar- or bat-mitzvah tutor. Shouldn’t summer give them a break from all that studying?
The beauty of Jewish summer camps, of course, is that they make Jewish life fun. In fact, for many children Jewish Summer camp is the one time all year when being Jewish is a joy, not a burden.
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